[EF在VS2010中应用Entity framework与MySQL
在VS2010中应用Entity framework与MySQL
分别下载上面的三个软件,注意:VS2010目前支持的最好的是 Connector/NET 6.3.5,下载其他版本可能需要进一步的修改配置,最好安装此版本。然后依次安装,注意修改MySQL的初始密码并记住。
2,确认安装了 ADO.NET Entity Data Model
右击已有的C#工程,然后选择 Add New Item,在 Visual C# Items->Data栏目中看看有没有ADO.NET Entity Data Model选项,如果没有则还没有安装该模板;或你也可以在VS安装目录下看看C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Data\1033\AdoNetEntityDataModelCSharp.zip 该文件存在不存在,如果不存在则需要安装该模板。如何安装呢,插入VS安装盘,选择修复,选中该组件安装就可以了。
3,使用MySQL workbench在 MySQL表中新建数据库 EFSample,在其中新建表customer,该表包含三个字段 id, Address, Name。如下所示:
4,新建C#控制台程序 EFSample,然后右击工程名,然后选择 Add New Item,在 Visual C# Items->Data中选择ADO.NET Entity Data Model,命名为 EFSampleModel.edmx:
然后设置New Connection,选择MySQL Provider,如下所示:
5,我们可以使用xml编辑打开 EFSampleModel.edmx,在这个文件中定义了SSDL content,CSDL content以及 C-S mapping content。同样,EF为我们自动生成了与数据库对于的运行时类,这些类被定义在EFSampleModel.Designer.cs文件中,其中有对customer类的定义。该类定义了一个工程方法,我们可以使用该工厂方法来生成 customer 对象。
/// <summary> /// No Metadata Documentation available. /// </summary> [EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName="EFSampleModel", Name="customer")] [Serializable()] [DataContractAttribute(IsReference=true)] public partial class customer : EntityObject { #region Factory Method /// <summary> /// Create a new customer object. /// </summary> /// <param name="address">Initial value of the Address property.</param> /// <param name="id">Initial value of the id property.</param> /// <param name="name">Initial value of the Name property.</param> public static customer Createcustomer(global::System.String address, global::System.Int64 id, global::System.String name) { customer customer = new customer(); customer.Address = address; customer.id = id; customer.Name = name; return customer; } #endregion }
6,新建 customer的部分类来添加对象的描述:
namespace EFSample { public partial class customer : global::System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityObject { override public string ToString() { return string.Format("Customer Name: {0}, Address: {1}", this.Name, this.Address); } } }
7,支持大部分配置工作完成,下面开始编写与数据库进行交互相关的代码。修改 Program.cs为:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; namespace EFSample { class Program { const int MaxRow = 10; static void DeleteData() { using (var ctx = new EFSampleEntities()) { var customers = from c in ctx.customer select c; foreach (customer c in customers) { ctx.DeleteObject(c); } ctx.SaveChanges(); } } static void InsertData(customer[] cs) { using (var ctx = new EFSampleEntities()) { foreach (customer c in cs) { ctx.AddTocustomer(c); } ctx.SaveChanges(); } } static void QueryData() { using (var ctx = new EFSampleEntities()) { for (int i = 1; i <= MaxRow; i++) { String str = i.ToString(); var results = ctx.customer.Where(c => c.Address == str); foreach (customer c in results) { Console.WriteLine(c); } } } } static void Main(string[] args) { customer[] cs = new customer[MaxRow]; for (int i = 1; i <= MaxRow; i++) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("用户"); sb.Append(i); customer c = customer.Createcustomer(i.ToString(), i, sb.ToString()); cs[i - 1] = c; } Console.WriteLine("=================== TEST START ==================="); DeleteData(); Console.WriteLine(">> Storage test start..."); Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); InsertData(cs); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("<< Store data seconds: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000 + " ( " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " miliseconds)"); Console.WriteLine(">> Query test start..."); sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); QueryData(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("<< Query data seconds: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000 + " ( " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " miliseconds)"); Console.WriteLine(">> Delete test start..."); sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); DeleteData(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(">> Delete data seconds: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000 + " ( " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " miliseconds)"); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
8,测试。在上面的代码中,有三个辅助方法插入数据,查询数据,删除数据。然后在 main()函数中分别调用它们,并对性能进行初步估算。当我们只插入10记录时,其结果如下: