
Installing RPM repository and OpenSIPS server

1. Detect which OS/arch you are using.
  • Find distribution.
    • cat /etc/redhat-release : This command will give you an output like:
      Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago)
      Fedora release 19 (Schrödinger’s Cat).
  • Find architecture.
    • uname -m : This command will give you an output like x86_64 or i686.
2. Install repository and OpenSIPS server.
  • Install the repository RPM.
    • Download corresponding repository RPM from "Repository RPMs" page.
    • Install the repo RPM. For example, if you downloaded OpenSIPS 1.9 repository RPM for EL6 x86_64, here is the command:
      rpm -i opensips-yum-releases-1.9-1.el6.noarch.rpm
    • As alternative, you can install the package directly by using the repository RPM URL:
      rpm -i http://yum.opensips.org/1.9/releases/el/6/x86_64/opensips-yum-releases-1.9-1.el6.noarch.rpm
  • Install and start the OpenSIPS server.
    • Now, you can install OpenSIPS with single command:
      yum install opensips
    • Start the OpenSIPS server:
      service opensips start
    • If you want to start the OpenSIPS server every time on boot, run this:
      chkconfig opensips on
3. Enjoy!

